Smuggler’s Belt doesn’t just hold your pants but also hold your money. On the outside, it looks just like ordinary belt, but on the other side, there’s little hidden compartment that you can use to keep banknotes, microfiche or contraband, pretty cool heh? This inner pocket stays closed while you wear the belt, thus, you can only access it when you take the belt off. Each of the iron buckle is individually forged by hand by highly skilled American blacksmith, the leather is guaranteed to darken beautifully with age. Each Smuggler’s Belt is signed and numbered with a lifetime guarantee.
Designer : Barrett Alley
Lol – someone needs to travel more, the majority of ripoff's happen when people have their pants off. Many a traveller has woken up with no pants (no belt), no shoes and no wallet. Besides, where does the credit card and passport go?
Best form of defense, decoy wallet gentlemen…