Tandem Helmet design has received 2013 Red Dot Design Award Honourable Mention, it’s a smart concept helmet for motorbike rider. You can see many people ride motorbikes in subtropical areas due to convenience, but unfortunately, not all those riders care about their safety by wearing helmets for economic reason or contextual. This concept helmet provides multiple answers to those needs.
Tandem helmet can be divided with a male part and a female part, thus offering some protections to the passenger. Parts of this helmet are nested inside the other, the idea of sharing creates empathy, by sharing your head protection, it creates mutual trust thus resulting in better driving experience (share the risk, share the protection). There’s a little pouch that you can use to keep your mobile phone, in this way, you might be able to answer your phone without having to release your hands from the handlebar.
Designer : Germain Verbrackel
I don't see how the one part can come loose from the other… To me it looks like both parts are stuck due to the thickness of the shell and inner foam. Is there a working prototype to illustrate this?
I wear a helmet. It does not prevent me from getting into collisions. Paying attention and following the rules of the road does prevent collisions and has helped me avoid them many times, particularly thanks to what I learned in a cycling skills course.
When i saw the first picture I thought that the helmet could open all the way so you can easily take it off or you could just partially open it when you are not on your bike. I think that would even be a better design.
Great helmet that I would like to have, I just wish the hair locks could come in pink or purple.