Escobedo Boat Works introduces Sea Dart, a hybrid between a canoe and kayak. Each unit is constructed out of Joubert marine plywood, specially imported from France and certified by Lloyd’s of London. Using construction method back to Viking times, Escobedo Boat Works used lapstrake technology, a mechanism to join the wood which then glued with high-test epoxy, coated with fiberglass, and finally, hand sanded. Escobedo admits that it is pretty tough to paddle in swift currents or light surf, but on the positive note, this boat weighs less than 55 pounds that one person can carry it easily.
The use of Lapstrake construction is much more desirable due to the simplicity of joining planks, ultimately, making the boat lighter due to fewer parts. The stability is achieved due to the ridges on the outside of the hull, they stiffen the hull and make it more responsive.
Designer : Escobedo Boat Works
Sea Dart is a beautiful boat, but don’t underestimate its ability, it can take on many challenges, it’s not as delicate as its appearance suggests. You might be surprised to find out that this boat can outperform any boat in its class. Available in 3 color options, Sea Dart is offered online via No. 4 St. James for $8,500.