Saildrone is a wind and solar powered autonomous surface vehicle that would revolutionize the way scientists collect ocean data. A fleet of sailing drones can be sent into the ocean to gather data that you need, anywhere, in any conditions. This technology wants to enable high resolution, cost-effective ocean science or ocean research by replacing traditional ships with a fleet of Saildrones.
Saildrones would autonomously gather data on those large ocean areas, they can be launched and retrieved from a dock. Taking advantage of wind power, Saildrone fleet navigates its destination by transiting at 3 to 5 knots. Each drone can be programmed to hold station or perform survey patterns for specific research mission. All data collected will be transmitted back to shore via satellite and delivered to you through custom API.
Just in case in the middle of mission you find something interesting, Saildrones can be re-tasked in real time to measure interesting features with greater resolution. Scientists can just focus on the research, all live operations will be taken care by the company, from launch to retrieval to piloting these Saildrones in busy waterways.