Always be prepared, Safe-Ever is a set of home safety system in the event of natural disaster. It consists of three useful products in emergency situation: a desk lamp, a front door bell, and a tissue box. The desk lamp can be very useful during earthquake situations, while a front door bell is handy in the event of fire, while the tissue box, it’s always handy for everyday emergencies.
You might already have numbers safety items in your house, unfortunately, most of the time, they are often hidden away in drawers, because you want to maintain aesthetics of your interior design. Therefore, often, we have to waste time to get our hands to those safety supplies when we need them the most.
Safe-Ever Home Safety Product Set can be integrated into everyday items in your home. You can simply place it on your desk or front door areas, accessing this safety products should be easy and even better to place them on your evacuation routes.
The main idea of this project is to come up with safety products that are used infrequently yet they have daily necessities. Each product has user-friendly design which is highly possible to be integrated into your daily life while being useful for emergency situations.
Designers: Jihye Choi, Doyeon Lee, Hyerin Lee, and Jeonghyeon We