The newest addition to the Rising line has arrived: the Rising Shell. This decorative fruit bowl adds an exciting, new dimension to the Rising Furniture line, taking it to the next level. While a wonderful piece on its own, the Rising Shell can be incorporated within the Rising Table. But either alone or with its companion piece, the Shell opens and rises like a budding flower and can be seamlessly put away until it is needed again. Constructed with laminated bamboo beams that guarantee firmness and durability, the Rising Shell also incorporates rubber technology. This combination of building materials make for a minimalist approach to design approach while ensuring a hinge system that is both safe and secure. This unique wooden fruit bowl has dimensions of 390 (L) x 405 (W) x 200 mm (H), materials used are bamboo natural/caramel with neoprene rubber.
Designer : Robert van Embricqs
Tuvie has received “Rising Shell” project from our ‘Submit A Design‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their design/concept for publication.