The design of the Lamborghini Countach EV, a 3D concept electric car, has been inspired by the fascinating Countach by Marcello Gandini which is an unforgettable piece for every Lamborghini fans. This redesigned car features more clean curves without changing the standard appearance such as doors, wings, front lights, etc. The sleek and cutting-edge design of the car has been polished with unique headlights and great color combination of the body and the glasses. Aside from the outstanding design aesthetics, another major important point of this concept car is the conscience of electric cars in the future world where fuels will be on of the rarest things to get.
Designer : Flavio Adriani
love it, C was the best lambo, with this concept i kind of feel better. current lambo's are crap im my eyes.
Ki youre right
i think this is the italian style i love it
the new cars are al to german in my eyes its nothing like the old models and this one is lovely 😀
Id rent this & drive this.
Send one to Oahu HI.
Nice, sweet.
Very radical drive,
Hybrid drive optional?
now that's what we can call a lambo reborn.. superb redesign..naturally beautiful.
This is deffinately a car I’d get if I had the money. And my girlfriend would love it more than I would. I’d have to make sure she doesn’t get herself killed in that cat if I had one.
"Wind turbine generator"? Lolwut? Guaranteed to produce less energy than eliminating its drag would save.
… I thought that at first, but if they were behind louvered shutters, they could be deployed as part of regenerative air-braking from high speed only, but closed during acceleration and cruise. Probably adds more complexity than its worth, but hey, its a Lambo – I wouldn't expect anything else 🙂
Holy Moley what a nice design!