Woke has designed a new glasses for Recon, the one and only: Recon Jet Heads-Up Display for Sports. It’s the world’s first consumer Heads-up Display (HUD) integrated on sport sunglasses, especially designed for cyclists and triathletes. Weighing only 60 grams, every detail has been carefully designed to optimize comfort, fit, and performance. The wireless connectivity allows third party devices to be connected to provide athlete with critical information such as heart rate, power output, or cadence. The display has been designed to ensure optimal readability in all lighting conditions, the on-board sensors also deliver performance stats.
Recon Jet also keeps athlete connected with their family and friends by displaying any caller ID and text messages which can be seen at a glance. Athletes can even upload and read information from their social networks during activity, the high quality, polarized performance optics offer great protection from glare in all conditions.
The open platform of Recon Jet SDK allows developers to contribute, creating applications for variety of activities. At this moment, Recon has already worked together with major health and fitness companies to create custom apps for the device. Through all these cool apps, you can unlock the full potential of this platform and use the device for every activity where real-time information is needed.