PumPing Tap is a smart spring loaded socket that will automatically eject your plug when any associated electronic device is not in use. Do you know that even when your electronic devices are switched off but if you don’t pull the plug out of the socket, there’s still power flows? Yes, this means that you are wasting power even though you don’t use your devices. Power is also wasted when you recharge any of your electronic devices when you don’t keep an eye on the charging process, you have to quickly pull out the plug when the charging process is done. It seems pretty impossible, isn’t it?
This problem has inspired these industrial designers to create PumPing Tap spring loaded socket. When you turns off the power of your device, there’s a light ring that appears on the socket and surrounds the plug. If you leave the plug just like that, after 10 minutes, PumPing Tap will automatically eject it, like a toaster.
Designers : Seong Soyeon, Park Jihye, Kim Seonmi, Lee Yeontaek and Lee Jeongjae