I travel light, but some people don’t, there are people who seem to love carrying everything, everywhere. If you are one of them, Pumpack suitcase would be very handy to you as it contains a vacuum pump that compresses your clothes to create more space.
You’ll be able to find a hand-operated vacuum pump inside the handle, by compressing your clothes, you can maximize packing space. These industrial designers claimed that by using this tool, you can reduce the volume of your clothes by 70%, yep, that’s pretty huge extra space you can use. Once you have placed all your clothes in the bag and zipped up, you can pull up the handle to activate the vacuum function. Rotating the handle changes its function from simple handle to pump.
Designers : Prof. Bae Sangmin, Mun Jongchan, Lee Yejee, Hong Woneui and Oh Seobin
Pret-ty cool. I'm a light packer, but who doesn't love a cool travel gadget?
You are looking at reducing volume of clothing for a heavy packing traveller, whose main problem will assumably be exceeding the weight (not volume) limit of air travel. You are then adding extra weight with a mechanism whilst allowing them to put more in the suitcase. If you have the suitcase shut, why would you vacuum pack the contents? I get that it would allow more clothing but suitcases are designed to hold a set volume at a given density to help users not to exceed the baggage limits set by airlines. This design logically is pretty pointless and a waste of valuable baggage weight.
but you don't always travel by air?
I would love to buy that. I always travel with a small vacuum not for cleaning but for sealing those air-tight zips on which my clothes are sealed with.
What a cool concept. Has this made it to development yet?