A pocket PC is not a new idea, in fact, many smartphones can be considered as a pocket computer, no?. In today’s technology landscape, there are plenty of Android and iOS devices, unfortunately, not so many for Linux-based device. Popcorn Computer is a computer device that can be used to test hardware products easier compared to using microcontroller-based development boards.
Featuring re-programmable 59 buttons silicone keyboard with RGB backlight that allows you to quickly and easily type commands and text anywhere. Most chosen components are originally designed for use in cellphones, they are proven very useful to this day. The case is made of ABS plastic with high tensile strength and it is resistant to physical impacts.
Popcorn Computer is equipped with an Infineon OPTIGA TRUST M IC with: ECC NIST P256/P384, SHA-256, TRNG, DRNG, RSA® 1024/2048 and 4.5K of user memory. It’s a special chip that keeps your private keys securely and able to generate true random numbers. The eMMC storage has a built-in memory management controller with brown-out detection, it means that it can protect your data in case of unexpected power failures. Popcorn Computer is offerd in two models: Pocket PC and Pocket PC with LoRa (for developing LoRa solutions on-the-go).