PLEXUS Protection Gear has been designed to protect skateboarders from serious injuries without forgetting about aesthetics and utility. Aside from those 2 factors, the designer also considers several factors such as: safety, flexibility, performance, strength, and ventilation. This protection gear set was inspired by the organic shapes, from the helmet, arm protection, and knee protection, conceptualizing the project to meet the safety requirements for skateboarders.
Designer : Subinay Malhotra
There are many skateboarders who hate wearing protection gear because many of them are not aesthetically appealing, I know, it’s stupid reason, yet that’s what happens. Skateboarders believe their sport is cool, so they would only wear cool protection gear as well which is fast to wear and remove. This range of protection gear answers to that challenge, Plexus has been designed on order to create a form that follow function, using only the best material and manufacturing process of the latest 3D printable and customization design era.
Tuvie has received “Plexus Protection Gear” project from our ‘Submit A Design‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their design/concept for publication.