This cute Children’s Bathing Products Packaging Design for Akio brand has won Pentawards NXT-Gen Award 2020. Explaining to children that hygiene is important might not as easy as it sounds. During the bath, baby can get cranky and start crying. This unique packaging design helps to entertain the baby and reduce parent’s headache during this sensitive process.
Designed for Akio, this Japanese-style packaging design turns bathing session into fun and interactive. Parents or care taker can get children attention through this interesting packaging design. Removing the kimono would surprise a toddler, thus getting their attention and focus to make bathing session fun and easy.
Designer: Robert Dadashev
3D Visualizer: Pavel Gubin, Aleksey Koler
Сopywriter: Alex Kalyan
Art director: Katya Mushkina, Robert Dadashev
Tutors: Leonid Slavin, Yevgeny Razumov