Paris Navigating Gym is a fitness vessel powered by kinetic energy from passengers’ workouts. It’s pretty ambitious project since it’s going to be challenging to encourage passengers to workout while crossing Seine River.
This concept fitness vessel has been developed in collaboration with fitness equipment manufacturer Technogym, Terreform ONE, a non-profit architecture group, and URBEM, urban regeneration institute. As human powered gym boat, it cruises along Seine River by harnessing energy from your workouts. Featuring 20-meter long body, this vessel can accommodate up to 45 people where the fitness area features Technogym’s ARTIS machine. Each unit comes with special topology of sports equipment, dedicated to harness human energy and make it available for further uses.
Designer : Carlo Ratti Associati
When passengers are doing exercise on the bikes and cross trainers, they contribute to powering the boat to sail along the river on its route through the city. This means, passengers can also provide access to anyone who wants to join along. Paris Navigating Gym project offers the possibility of harnessing human power while producing a new urban experience, it’s an innovative vision to integrate the river further into city’s mobility infrastructure.
The large augmented-reality screens are installed on the boat to show guests both the quantity energy sourced from the workout as well as Seine’s environmental conditions. They are tracked in real-time thanks to sensors incorporated on the vessel. The transparent glass cover also offers extraordinary view of the urban panorama, it can also be hired for parties and celebrations at night.