What if nature calls when you’re on the way to home? Especially when you are drunk, you’d wish there was a tree to pee. And yes, a toilet for drunks is available now: The P-TREE by Aandeboom, a Dutch design studio. P-TREE Temporary Tree-Friendly Urinal can be tied on every tree with the help of straps and lashings, the urinal can be hooked into a central sewage system or connected to a tank with a pump. The P-TREE addresses the peeing on public property crisis afflicting modern society.
Designer : Aandeboom
This project is similar to peeing into the wild and offers a sense of freedom during peeing. It has gained great success at the Roskilde Festival 2011 in Denmark where there are more than 100k visitors and many of them using the P-TREE more than ones. For that event, Aandeboom installed 50 P-TREES in the bright orange color and placed on 2 different spots near the main stage.
Each unit is available in several RAL-colors and very much accessible for festivals and public gardens. P-TREE comes with a price tag of €245 inclusive of VAT.
this is stupid….just pee on the damn ground. Are designers that desperate for new universal product codes?
Thats a little harsh!! Say you owned a Field and rented it out to an event and they let everyone pee and poo on your field and left it. How would you feel. Not to mention it's the pee being soaked into ground water level. Would you want to drink pee?