Our life quality depends on the air that we breathe, OXY2050 is a futuristic air cleaner concept designed to purify huge amount of polluted air in an urban area. Inspired by diatoms, this flying purifying device would treat the air with chemical solutions containing potassium hydroxide, activated carbon, calcium hydroxide, and water inside and release the purified air through the sprayers.
This futuristic air purifier is remote controlled, floating over polluted area with the help from helium filled outer shell. OXY2050 would absorb that polluted air using absorbing turbines, this air mass would then be treated with that chemical solutions. This process would continue over and over again until the air quality becomes moderate.
Designer : Murat Gedik
Need this for Mex City, Shanghai China, LA CA, Hong Kong, Macao alone for cleaning the air & se as airborne YTraffic Control for drones & citywide VSTOL traffic too. Id be huge & for Police recon use from above.
Has many uses.
Air Traffic
ID fires, etc.
Traffic Control
Comm relay, Flying Internet Hub