OQLAR is a concept project designed in order to understand what the market needs in a environment where air pollution is growing. This product is designed to provide visual feedbacks through its function as an air purifier as well as an ionizer. The product can be used in different scenarios, as a desktop or as a car purifier, researches have been done about its requirements.
OQLAR by Subinay Malhotra removes and purifies particulate matter in the room, it offers visually appealing design with self-cleaning feature. This unit offers enhanced air purifier design compared to existing products on the market.
The air vents have a TPE material coating that acts as a flexible silicone like structure that sucks in air and closes when not needed. These flexible vents help in maintaining the air purifier at its best purifying the air and the light inside helps one gain visual trust that the product is functioning.
More images of OQLAR Personal Air Sanitizing System:
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