Dedicated to the city of Saint-Petersburg, Russia, OMNI is a self-driving smart mobility concept that aims to solve heavy traffic and ecological problems. This modular concept vehicle features universal intelligent self-driving symmetric chassis, and there are 3 different modules that have been designed for commercial, public, and private use. You can link together multiple units for advanced parking or charging points, and everything can be controlled digitally through AI network infrastructure.
This project offers a user-friendly, advanced concept of mobility that is effective for business yet attractive for public use. It aims to attract citizens to decide not to use private car for daily commuting.
Designer : Yakovlev Yaroslav
For public use, these smart vehicles are located on stand-by parkings (for service, charge, and storage), using Inductive Charging Pads (ICP) located around the operational area to ensure they are ready to use when needed. All these vehicles are controlled by AI digital system that distributes them around designated areas to prevent any traffic accidents.
OMNI is powered by 90kWh electric battery and uses 40kW electric motors that provide decent power and distance range for different road and climate conditions. Citizens can access one of these vehicles via smartphone app or on-line subscription. Riding this concept car would reduce stress, preserve energy, and save time, it’s an eco-system of the city that is hoped can reduce mobility issues in modern cities.
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Lisc for production worldwide, awesome for Uber alone & taxis aside pvt use.
Link to Monorail mode or caravan for autonomous drive