To make future communication efficient, synchronizing the futuristic vehicles with the road system is very much vital and from this insight O-Lec (Online Electric Car) has been designed with an innovative traffic system. This compact and lightweight vehicle is being envisioned as an efficient personal mobility vehicle that can house two persons and will be available through a vehicle rental system across the city. The most innovative part is this car draws its required energy from the road by using inductive power transfer. The key idea of designing this car was to keep the environment clean by reducing the CO2 emissions done by existing cars and providing a commuting solution that is efficient and stylish for roads of 2030.
Designer : Scott Gilbert
This invention would be an absolutley revolutionary idea! We've all seen cars like this before however; electric, hybrid and solar powered cars. But there is always the same problem with all of them. They never run very well. The latest design of solar powered car was tested and even with 5 flood lights pointed directly at the solar panels, only reached a speed of around 5-7m.p.h. Electric cars rundown the battery very quickly and don't run very fast. Which always seems to put people off, seeing as the costs would rack up to be incredibly higher than a standard petrol/diesel car.
So if you're making a CO2 free car, please, please, please! Make it cost-effective and make sure that it can run just as well as a standard car for just as long.
Other than those issues that you need to be sure to adress well, amazing work!