Whisky is a distilled alcoholic beverage made up of hundreds of compounds, and just like wine, with proper aeration the volatile undesirable elements would evaporate faster than desirable, aromatic, flavorful ones, giving you concentration of the aromatics. Norlan Whisky Glass has been carefully designed and developed to offer you a perfect whisky drinking experience through the combination of design, science, and sociology.
The combination of science performing inside with aesthetic beauty outside, this glass aims to capture whisky’s complex perfumes and deliver them to your senses better than any existing whisky glasses on the market. The specially developed protrusion forms inside the glass is adapted through studying bio-mimicry, when swirled around the glass, fluid forms a standing wave shape, thus, increasing the surface to air ratio and rate of oxidization. The effect is usually more ethanol evaporates. By reducing the volatility, it allows whisky to become even more expressive, Norlan glass offer this feature through its special design that no other whisky glass could do this for you.
Designer : Sruli Recht [Pre-Order]
The second main feature is the shape of the inner walls, they close as they rise and then flare out again to avoid hitting the nose. The height and diameter has been carefully designed to ensure aromatics focus to the nose while diffusing the ethanol away from the face. This process would improve the taste of your whisky.