If you are very particular about the design of your book, then this product is surely for you. “Mo” is the redefined notebook PC designed for customizing each and every cover to fit the style of the owner. You just need to touch the screen in order to read or make any kind of changes in your book. This product allows for adaptation to users specific needs and interests as well as offering a convenient way to organize files. The customize cover allows the user to show his/her identity and can build a long lasting relationship with the product. It has unique backward folding design that allows you to use it as an alarm.
Designer : Joseph Riehl
Pretty cool, now this is close to something that would actually be useful and practical to a student.
The cover design looks a little week though.
Also what is the difference between this and a tablet PC? So far I think I like the tablet better, but this is still an interesting idea.
Personally I believe that this is a very good concept that leans in the direction things that would actually help students. I would love to have all my books in that thing including worksheets, papers, certain novels for required reading assignments. Now I myself, as much as anyone, absolutley love how it looks like a book, but I have to agree with Jereme when it comes to the cover. Maybe instead of a cloth cover it could be a sturdy and protective metal or aluminum cover with a latch on the front (like on most journals and diaries).
I'm not so sure it should replace my alarm clock though. If I loose it, my schedule is toast!
Also, can one go on the internet with this device? If I'm using the internet on one screen, what's the other one doing? Will there be screen protectors aswell? Will I have to take care of it extremely well as I do with my Iphone?
If I do buy this thing there would have to be like a tracking/GPS/tracing thing going on because it will most likely be "my everything".
dammm i gotta have one of those