The Mo-Du-Lo car is an innovative concept, aiming to offer users an ultimate solution for any type of commuting by featuring three versions, each with different attributes. The Mo version is a monocycle for one rider that has no motor, instead, features pedals like unicycle. The Du version comprises the basic form of the car that houses two riders and the ability to attach two Mo’s to become a six-wheel car. The central axis of the car contains the storage and electric energy producing area and the engines are located in the bottom of the wheel rims. The hub-less wheels improves the visibility and makes the car lightweight and easily accessible by the rider. Finally, the Lo version comes out with a shape of a train by attaching many Du’s and Mo’s, creating a more suitable long distance commuting vehicle with the pooled motors and batteries of all cars.
Designer : THDUDesign
this is n awful and completely ineffective design. the mo is dangerous and blocks viability. and you cant praise the wheels for creating viability by removing the hubs because the designer created the problem in the first place.
i meant visibility, not viability.