MKS-1 SLS Multifunctional Space Launch System, just like its name suggests, it can be used to launch wide variety space rockets. You probably can guess the designer behind this project, yes, the one and only, our friend, Oscar Viñals. You can read his explanations about his latest project below:
Currently/Today, the only way that we know to launch Vehicles or “payload” into Space or at Low earth orbit (suborbital), is using a Rocket which takes off from land place and reaches the pre-selected “objective”. Depending on their “payload” specifications, it is necessary to use a Rocket with special size and features.
The MKS-1 SLS is a concept plane with multifunctional uses, designed like a “Launch-Support” for many different Space Rockets or Special Space & Suborbital vehicles; thought to reach their objectives, decreasing today’s costs for launching into Space, these “payloads” with smaller Rockets and lesser fuel, and minimizing the non-reusable parts.
Versatile, adaptable for special Ovi’s rocket (equipped with supersonic wings, all controlled by Intelligent Flight Control System (IFCS)) with NASA’s CM (Crew Module), NASA’s Ares I evo rocket (with “special wings”), ESA’s Vega evo rocket (with “special wings”), NASA’s X-43a experimental vehicle with “special rocket”, Aurora SR-91 experimental vehicle, REL’s (Reactions Engines Limited) Skylon experimental vehicle, XLDron M Gravity mass Space Tourism and more potentials “payloads”.
Designer : Oscar Viñals
It would have a high carry up capacity and thanks to a special support system with configurable anchorages, over guide rails on top of the fuselage, adaptable for many different types of “payloads”. Built with ultra-resistant advanced Composite materials (carbon laminate, carbon sandwich, activated carbon, aluminum, titanium, and more…) capable to resist big fatigue, stress and “mechanic efforts”; all of this with a low density and in some sections from the plane these would have the extra-capacity to resist highest temperatures.
The MKS-1 SLS would have an auto-generator electric energy system from heat energy conversion and from combustion of liquefied natural gas (LNG) -also used for turbofan engines mixed with conventional combustible-; to keep the avionic systems and the rocket’s combustible temperature in optimal conditions. It also would have a Hyper lift mechanical system -HLMS- to create a dynamic air flow controlled by fly-by-wire system (FBW) and aircraft-computers to prevent a possible stall situation.
Equipped with 11 future Next-Gen’s plane engines, 8 ultra high bypass turbofan engines -UHB- localized on the wings structure in double units (B-52 Stratofortress) and 3 engines with adaptive versatile engine technology -ADVENT-localized under fuselage structure in central disposition, used only at takeoff maneuver and in the “detaching phase” like an extra-thrust to reach the right altitude (45,000-50,000 ft).
Tuvie has received “MKS-1 SLS Multifunctional Space Launch System” project from our ‘Submit A Design‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their design/concept for publication.
reminds of jet plane to launch shuttle to Moon from TV show UFO
Oscar, mass produce this one & your other works.
Love your stuff
Love to see in U build models & premade models, premade models 1/12 scale size.
& RC types
Mass produce this.
Allot of future thinking here.. in the coming era of scram jet technology .. your design concepts are top notch.. the images look military or nasa in nature.. not a bad thing.. they got all the money.. piggyback second and third aircraft.. nice idea!
I'm agree with thomas, only a Space Agency would be able to do this project, but.. well done, is a great idea! (its multifunctional possibility). I like it!…
What are size dimensions and speed?