MENTUM Alarm Clock is a concept project with a simple brief, design an alarm clock for a bedroom environment. The design was based on behavior and user observation. Inspired by many sources from Danish design, Braun design ethos, to design era from the year of 1960’s to 1980s, the result is a classic style alarm with modern twist.
When abruptly roused by an alarm clock, the user generally does not look at or engage with it accurately to switch it off. The observation is that the action to reach out and switch off the alarm may be clumsy at times, which usually does not result in the alarm being turned off on the first attempt.
Designer : Fraser Leid
The function of Mentum Alarm Clock is based on momentum, where user can just push the front of this device downwards to deactivate the alarm. This limits the amount of contact required between user and the device.
More images of Mentum Alarm Clock:
Tuvie has received “Mentum Alarm Clock” project from our ‘Submit A Design‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their design/concept for publication.