Lepen soldering pen system has been designed to offer convenience and safety for users when soldering. When I was in high school, I had to do a class work to build electronic circuits. Soldering is a basic skill, however, at that time, I had no clue how to do it the right way, thus, resulting burnt fingers. Existing soldering equipments are not convenient to use, it can cause dangerous situations such as fire and health issues (exposure to solder fumes can cause headaches, nausea, eye irritation or coughing). In order to solve these problems, Lepen uses the principle of a general pen and a pen holder.
Designer : Moonhwan Lee
Lepen contains lead-based solder which functions like ink, thus, releasing your other hand from holding the lead. When the main button is pushed, it will melt the lead and release it on the surface, it works just like a pen.
This soldering pen provides the easy way for users to melt alloys, the pen holder functions as a recharger and a smoke absorber. Lepen soldering pen system simplifies the process of soldering and reducing the risk of danger.
awesome. hope it comes in various tip sizes for smallest of soldering jobs.
I don't see any provision to remove the soldered lead. We need another device to do that 🙁
Excellence designed.
Where I can buy this product? How much does it cost? How many small solder joints can be solder on a single charge?
I thought of this invention myself
How much it cost????