The Last Drop concept derived from the inconvenience of pumping up the finishing liquid from the bottom of a shampoo or shower gel container to avoid everyday wastage. The bottom of Last Drop container is designed in a way that the finishing liquids are stored in a cone following by slopes both side where the dispenser can easily reach and let the user to have even the last drop of liquid. The container is beautifully designed to enhance the bathroom décor and lets the user to see how much more liquids are left inside. This product is very helpful for recycling and anti-water pollution with its useful functionalities.
Designer : Seonkeun Park and Jinsun Park
Technically, manufacturers wouldnt have a problem making it since bottles are made as two halves of a whole to begin with then fused together. Also, from a marketing standpoint, businesses could pitch this as less wasteful and more cost effective for the consumer. They'd eat it up ignoring the fact they're spending more in the process and companies would still benefit in the long run
These are clearly mock ups to show the product's feature, not permanent bottles you keep around the house. Anything relating to the short comings of glass don't need to be worried about.
I'm not sold on the evil corporations trying to rob us of milliliters either. Who isn't unscrewing the lid, letting a little bit of water in and swishing it out anyways? It takes like eight seconds, worth the time for sure.
It's a decent idea, something a company wanting to go/seem green might go for, with a very small manufacturing change.
This will never happen. It would cost companies MORE money (good bit of extra plastic at the bottom) to give us a few extra uses out of their product. So they are paying for us to buy their product less often, on average. Plus, this isn't a big enough issue for people to actually care about it.
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A much simpler design is to design it as a two part system. Bottle would be ovoid, then set in an egg cup shell. Similar results, less packaging…thus solving both issues.
nice idea… but having a tube going from bottom to top leaves a residue in the tube which can't be pumped out. simple bottle that you open up at the end and dilute the remains with a little bottle empties it. original solution. best solution. this idea is wasteful in manufacturing and content.
This is a great innovation and admittedly, if you accumulate all the empty containers of liquids you used for the past couple of years, I think it can fill a good 250 ml. The design looks appealing, too. In a sense, it can be considered as a bathroom vanity and it's functionality is a plus plus plus!
Won't it be simpler to make it into a tottle with a regular flip-top??
That way, any product that settles at the bottom comes out FROM the bottom.
Another way of looking at it is: you are tryin to remove the last 2ml of product by adding a screw-on cap, a non-return valve & a spout?
pour some water when it reaches at the bottom, shake it like boom shake-a-lak… then use it… simple… 😉
For all of you saying the producers would lose money with us getting 'the last drop' is seriously ridiculous. Because of the innovative technology used, for one, they could charge more for their product. Secondly, because they are adding something into the bottom of the bottle they would be putting less of the actual product into it as well. It could say the same weight in ounces if they measure the whole bottle, but there would actually be less product and more plastic. Which do you think costs producers more? I think it is a cool idea, but it really would just be easier if they made ALL bottles so they stood on their opening.
pour some water when it reaches at the bottom, shake it like boom shake-a-lak… then use it… simple… 😉
Great idea but the problem statement and solution are incomplete. What about the leftover product on the insides of the bottle and on the straw. I have a pretty expensive lotion to use it up I absolutely have to take out the cap and scrap the sides of bottle + the straw…
how i can buy this product?
When was this ideal created ?