Xiaowu Huang aged 23 is a fourth year student at Wuhan University of Technology, studying in Automotive Support Engineering. Xiaowu Huang is always passionate about doing vehicle-related stuffs and prefers to model his own cars, which are beautiful and simple. Without being influenced from outside sources, this young vehicle engineer determined to design a car named ing-q, which will be a coalition of the spirit of the drops. The design is simple; however, it meets human needs. The modular design makes the sedan more simple, safe and flexible. Well, ing-q employs the idea of standard design, since modular design is a way to realize ecological considerations and high efficiency. With simple silhouette, simple body structure and driving mode, this brilliant car by Xiaowu Huang reflects the future of city transport, which would be devoid of fuel consumption, accidents, emissions and congestion.
Designer : Xiaowu Huang