Infinite Light has won Green Dot Award 2013 for its innovative and sustainable design. Dr. Hakan Gursu has come up with a light that helps humanity and environment, it can be very useful in rural households that still don’t have access to electricity. At night, there are still many families that are forced to use kerosene lamps that usually cost about 25% of their weekly budgets to light them. Aside from the high cost, those lamps also increase the risk of fire and harmful smoke.
Infinite Light could be a simple solution, a high quality solar powered lamp that is more cost effective. It’s a green lamp that uses solar energy or batteries to power itself placed in PET bottle. Flexible solar panel is wrapped around the bottle to collect sun’s light and those batteries convert the light into energy. The part that casts the light is attached at the bottom of the metal parts, it also functions as cover and supporter of the bottle. There’s a metal wire at the top that functions as handle where you can use to hang the light.
Designer : Dr. Hakan Gürsu of Designnobis
Tuvie has received “Infinite Light” project from our ‘Submit A Design‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their design/concept for publication.
i really impressed
could you please guide me how to build
as such in pakistan there are lot of villages are without electricity and also if so cannt afford
i want to do the job for them on free basis as i always like and love to help the poor and needy people around globe
please send me details at [email protected]
cell/what sap and vi beer : 0092 333 22 77 808
am on face book too : by giving email address you may search me
mohsin ali – pakistan
There must be millions of people all over the world who would benefit from a lantern like that. Most of the people in poor countries will not be able to afford to buy batteries so solar technology is a godsend. They also do away with the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning and fire.
To the Tuvie team; I think your product is absolutely a wonderful solution for rich and poor. I would like to know whether you have any initiative to support poor people to be able to start a micro-business by selling these lights? I just spoke to one unemployed guy from Zimbabwe today, to whom I gave two examples of another brand of solar power bottle lights. At the moment he is using two of these lights outside and inside his shack, and he says it has greatly improved his living conditions. He sent one to his wife in in Southern rural Zimbabwe. To her surprise, people came from far to see this wonderful light that shines without paraffin or gas or anything that you have to pay for. Many would like to buy one. My unemployed friend said to me that he wished he could start a business by taking these lights to his area in Zimbabwe and then selling it there. Could you please tell me if you can help him in any way?