JACKCARD is a total different kind of gadget which gives you an extension of yourself. A game changing gadget like this could give a different experience of banking transactions. You could have as many banks as you like with just one card. Now it gives you the power of ultimate identity, convenience and accessibility of all your personal accounts.
JACKCARD will be used by all individuals in the near future. It would replace all ATM cards, credit cards, government ids, health cards and certificates like birth and marriage certificates, and driver’s license etc. It will make your life easy as it simplifies and speed up the process in completing hospital, school, bank, corporate and government transactions.
It is advisable to use this product by all individual that is currently using debit/credit cards, employees, students, professional, and even senior citizens. JACKCARD is a wearable device and can be accessorize using id necklace or wear on your wrist when you enter a school or a tradeshows; wear it as id when going to your work/office.
Designer : Stephen Reon Francisco
The best thing about JACKCARD is it saves our environment keeping our earth green. It could save a lot of paper, plastic and our precious time. Imagine how many debit/credit cards out there? We could save a lot of PVC cards, plastic cards, paper cards etc. You could use this gadget from birth up until your last breath. Imagine how much waste we could lessen, a lot of it. It would replace all debit/credit cards all sort of cards and certificates we use today.
With JACKCARD equipped with Sensing Technology it recognizes and store data of your voice for identity purposes. It also records important conversations and sounds you produce to save it to do specific instructions. Features like Face Recognition, Fingerprint or Eye Verification which identifies you by your “eyeprints”. It also tracks the exact location of your family members and alerts you when they are in trouble, along with nearby safety points like hospitals and police stations. Locate the nearest ATM machines with JACKCARD’s real-time map.
Tuvie has received “JACKCARD” project from our ‘Submit A Design‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their design/concept for publication.
i like the concept hope this will come in reality soon. every country need this or should i say all banks?
totaly diff device.
nice work stephen reon francisco
wow you designed not only the device, not only the service, not only the features,and not only the way we communicate, but you already designed the future!!!!
Fantastic idea…really appreciating post regarding cards….keep it up..!!!!!!!