Immaculate Explores New Possibilities for Prosthetic Devices

One of the best innovations that has happened is the invention of prosthetic limbs which has given a new dimension and hope to those who have lost their limbs due to an accident or other reasons. Today advances in the medical field have ensured that these extensions look very much like the human skin. But that’s also a disadvantage to look at as some may feel reveled by touching it, hence immaculate is a concept that ensures that it is as much a part of the body as it is connected to the central nervous system and responds to desired actions. A nice and humane innovation must say.

immaculate prosthetic devices

immaculate prosthetic devices

Text from Hans :
Immaculate is a concept that explores new possibilities for prosthetic devices. It aims to question the strive for normality and imitation in prosthetics, and instead attempts to incorporate identity and new functionality. Immaculate means flawless, and reflects on the amputee not being less of a person.

As of today prosthetics are technological skeletons covered in silicone. They imitate the look of a natural arm perfectly, but as soon as someone touches it one realize it’s a prosthetic. The consequence is then a phenomenon researchers call “The Uncanny Valley”, whereas something is so lifelike the realization of it being artificial leads to shock and revulsion.

To avoid this, and to promote the interests of the prosthetic users I want to apply the same philosophy used in eyewear. These support products have gone from being purely functional to become objects of fashion and identity. Furthermore it turns it into an object of beauty instead of a technological object masquerading as a natural arm.

Immaculate is a neurological prosthetic, connected to the users central nervous system. The exterior of the prosthetic is textile clad in Corian plates. The Corian allows embedded technology to be seamlessly integrated, and in union with the textile gives the prosthetic a clear graphical identity. Each joint is a globe joint, allowing a larger freedom of movement than a normal human arm.

Instead of imitating the ordinary Immaculate strives for the extraordinary.

immaculate prosthetic devices

immaculate prosthetic devices

Designer : Hans Alexander Huseklepp

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5 thoughts on “Immaculate Explores New Possibilities for Prosthetic Devices

    • Hi!My name is cynthia and im a 26 year old,who i would like to know more about a prosthetics arm. I was in a car accident 7 months ago and i did alot of nerve damage to my left arm.I have no movement,feeking n my chances are way to low to get my arm back.So my dr's have suggested a prosthetic arm.I would like to know if insurance covers it,if not how much,if im a candidate,and where to go get better info

  1. My 1yr old daughter was born with a congenital limb disorder, in that she was lacking the first third of her arm.
    At less than 6 months old she was given a prothetic arm, mainly to help her balance of vision and posture as she grows.
    I have no problem with these.
    But from day one, I have longed to see prosthetics which are NOT weak imitations of a humaniod limb.
    I wanted to see customisable colours, sleek shapes, elegance and extra functionalitiy.
    I want her to grow up in a world where a prosthesis is not simply seen as normal, but almost seen as a ‘desirable’ object.
    Keep on doing what you are doing with this site, we are definitely getting there.
    You people are visionaries.
    Good good good stuff. Thank you.

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