With more emphasis being given on finding better training module for athletes and new research is being done in this field. On the same lines hydro training is finding more favor amongst the trainers. It has been proved that water based exercises increase muscular strength with little concussive force on the joints. Buoyancy reduces the weight of the user, load on joints and specific muscular points are decreased. Thus, it makes movement less impacting for patients with injuries. Within water low impact exercise can also prevent users gaining an injury. The water creates additional resistance, overcoming the surface tension of the water where it’s needed. Resistance can be altered via resistance jets, thus providing additional control of the muscle development, and these can also be used to lightly massage and soothe tender muscles. Taking this as a basis comes the Hydro Physio Lifestyle. This is a performance improvement tool and is confidently styled to fit within modern interiors.
For building general fitness, Hydro Physio is an excellent tool. It also offers rehabilitation exercise, with easy entry to the equipment, unlike the situation wherein one has to climb or be lowered into a pool. Different muscle groups can be worked upon owing to variable water heights. So the unit is adaptable to the height and mass of each user using this feature. Adjustability of treadmill speed, resistance and water depth are fully programmable through the product’s intuitive touch screen. A second optional screen can be added for the trainer or physiotherapists use. The workout information of the athletes and patients is downloadable at the end of the program enabling measurability of improvement.
It is easy to install compared to a full fledged pool with underwater equipment. Also the product can be a part of existing training equipment hence this is exactly what the doctor ordered.
Designer : Hydro Physio
thanks for your artickle,can you give me a progressive exercises in pool with images of them????????please,i need for my mother….