In his attempt to revolutionize air transportation, Oscar Viñals has come up with many futuristic transportation design such as XLDron, AWWA Sky Whale, or Flash Falcon. This time, he submitted his latest project to Tuvie, HSP “Solar Skin” – Quantum Age Airplane. In 1995, Boeing 777 became the first airplane, which entirely designed by computer. Quantum Age could be the next generation of airplanes, featuring radical external design, making it more aerodynamic for dramatic reduction in fuel consumption, noise, and emissions.
The design of this futuristic aircraft was based on fusion (mix) of the best technical and technological aspects of other concepts such as Blended Wing Body Design (BMW), Airlander, also some previous design of Oscar Viñals’ “Flash Falcon” and AWWA Sky Whale. HSP itself means Hyper Shape Plane, it’s Oscar way to describe this concept aircraft with its unique and personal form.
Designer : Oscar Viñals
Read Oscar Viñals’ explanation about this project:
The HSP “Solar Skin” looks a little “weird” or strange for today’s concept airplanes because it doesn’t have the usual wings… the airplane itself is a big smart wing with devices or “extensions” (front little wings, rear smart stabilizers and top stabilizers) making it all together, with its special shapes, a high performance plane. After, tested the design with CFD software and analyze in several fly conditions (lateral gusts, air turbulences, air vortex on the tips of the fuselage,…etc) , it may have a stable and very good balanced between its lift and drag coefficients. For example, it could improve the lift by around 35% at low speed (Takeoff) and decrease the aerodynamic drag at cruise speed.
Remembering the words of our honorable scientific & pedagogue, Carl Sagan when he described the Earth like… “a pale blue dot” in the infinite Cosmos and our necessity to protect the environment and this… “our Home”. So, we have to think in “a mind flip” about our future aircrafts. Electrical airplanes surely are to change the look of aviation, but if humans plan to continue to fly in the future we’ll have to embrace this new era of flight.
The most important challenge of the HSP “Solar Skin” would be, (apart of being an airplane with Zero emission), to become a “big tool” to clean the atmosphere of CO2 and benefit us, providing Internet all around the World thanks to its Global Antenna System (thousand of these airplanes could act as a big solution for these challenges).
Other remarkable aspects of this plane would be its capacity to generate energy for itself to fly and for another functions up to 80% ratio. So, it would be super quiet, thanks to its kind of engines and its nozzles, would be equipped with a system to absorb the engine’s noise.
How is the HSP “Solar Skin”?
The HSP “Solar Skin” would be equipped with 8 oversize Hybrid Engines (HEPJE), capable to produce a big amount of power thrust. A Superconducting Motor at High temperature as a principal engine, assisted by an Ultra High-Bypass section, that will “feed” 3 independent Plasma Chambers producing a “rocket push” in order to obtain a powerful thrust.
On the maneuvers of Take-off & Landing, the front engine’s thrusts are redirected to down side of the plane in order to create a “Harrier Jump jet” that reduces significantly the track distance to do those operations. The HSP “Solar Skin” could be equipped with a system based of two Rocket Engines (Hydrogen fuel -LH2-) in both sides of the plane, together with the Hybrid Engines, could redirect all the “front thrust”, in order to create a vertical “high thrust” to reduce to only approximately two hundred meters the distance to Take-off & Landing.
The HSP “Solar Skin” would be equipped with a “Thrust vectoring system” located on the rear nozzles and under the plane. Part of those nozzles (top side) could move 45 degrees, redirecting the engine exhaust to down side. 6 Duct Systems under the Airplane’ fuselage have the function to act like a V/STOL (Harrier Jump Jet ) system.
Fly Controls
The HSP “Solar Skin” supplies the rudder device (change yaw, side to side) by two adjustable airflow ducts, that redirect the pass of it in order to change the yaw. These ducts are part of the same CO2 harvest system.
The Wind Generator duct is also used to control the vortex flows generated on the rear part of the Airplane’ fuselage. In the maneuver of approach to the airport, the HSP “Solar Skin” would fly in a “Gliding flight” with the engines in a “stand-by mode” and the wind generators working at 100%, generating big amounts of electric Energy and controlling the descent.
Multitask Airplane
CO2 Cleaner System This system could harvest directly from the air CO2, thanks to two air ducts covered with a synthetic membrane, coated with a special resin that could capture CO2 by attraction -The membrane consists of an “ion-exchange” resin – positive anions in the resin attract carbon dioxide, with a maximum load of one carbon-dioxide molecule for every positive charge. The airplane would be equipped by two CO2 storage tanks with a capacity of 10 tons (liquid). At the end of every fly the plane empty those, in order to recycle and use again the CO2 or to be “eliminated”.
Global Internet Antenna System “GIAS” The same system that the HSP “Sola Skin” could use to capture the Radio Waves, Microwaves, Earth’s Electromagnetic fields,…etc, could also act like an antenna between the satellites in orbit and any place of the World; providing global internet access with a big ratio signal/speed.
Energy Systems
- 2 Double Helix, Wind Turbines to generate electricity.
- 6 Powerful Thermoelectric Generators to generate electricity directly from HEPJE Engines ‘s heat, based on “Seebeck effect”.
- Glass with Quantum Solar dots to generate electricity.
- Special Surface composed of a painted film with Quantum Solar Dots (Hundred Billion) to generate electricity.
- 160 Organic Semiconductors Panels (different types), that could harvest electricity from the radio wave, microwaves, Earth’s electromagnetic fields & include in a near future the “energetic Cosmic Rays”. Converting their magnetic spin current into electrical current. (part of this concept is based on studies from University of Utah physicists Valy Vardeny and Christoph Boehme)
- 2 big Hydrogen fuel cells located on the cargo bay together the Hydrogen’s tanks.
- 8 internal fuselage structures made of Carbon-fibre & Kevlar could hold the Electric Storage System of the plane. The structures could hold in a sandwich pattern an internal structure capable to storage & manage the Electric power produced by the Airplane. These would be resistant to “big forces”, stress, high/low temperatures, pressure changes and at the same time, lightweight. Also, would be part of the “crash system” of the plane, that could absorb in the fatal case of an accident, the inertial & crash forces in order to keep saved the core structure of the airplane (passenger compartment).
- Structures based in layers of Graphene/Nanowires that could act like a Supercapacitors & powerful Batteries , with the capacities to be strong, thin & “flexible”. A system much more efficient and eco-friendly energy-storage solutions at lower price with a long cycle lifetime.
Passenger Compartment
The passenger compartment would have a “modular system” capable to transform the usable area (1,153.2m2). It could have a capacity for 552 to 700 passengers or convert it into a Fly Hospital, a Luxury Hotel, a Casino, a Private Mansion, a Fly Tennis court…all that you could imagine in order to use the 1,153.2m2. The cockpit would have space for 4 crew members (2 pilots & 2 engineers) with a private living room.
- Super Tourist Class (440 to 560 seats)
- Business Class (98 to 120 seats)
- First Class (12 to 22 seats)
The Super Tourist Class seats would have a pitch of 45’’ and a Width of 20’’. Virtual reality on the walls of the passenger compartment and directly views of the Sky on the ceiling.
More images of HSP “Solar Skin”, Quantum Age Airplane:
The airplane would have an amazing Cargo bay with the capacity to transport “big payloads” like cars (10) or other similar objects. With an Area of 851.2m2 and a Volume of 2,128m3, the possibility to transport all kind of payloads is very large. On the cargo bay there would be located the Hydrogen’s tanks and the Fuel Cells, in order to obtain the best distribution of airplane’s masses.
The HSP “Solar Skin” would be equipped with special jetways that would “connect” the outside of the plane with the inside of it. Two doors of security, that would keep saved the passengers preserving the correct pressure in the cabin. Current International Airports Jetways could also to be used by this access system.
Tuvie has received “HSP Solar Skin – Quantum Age Airplane” project from our ‘Submit A Design‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their design/concept for publication.
Not really that "Unique"!/? First was the Vought V-173 (XF5U) "Flying Flapjack" of 1942…
Need video viewports for ST class in rear of plane alone or other Visual display to outside.
Radical concept, Love IT Oscar.
Test in So CA area.
& then Produce with your Other Plane concepts IE Oscar Vinals Air Force or Airline.
Love your Concepts.
Cool design…
couple of small points.
Too much form drag
Too much interference drag a the dual cockpit and wing roots
The winglets will create way more drag than they will offset
There is not enough vertical fin area, for that large dihedral and sweep, this aircraft will dutch roll terribly
It looks like the stall will start mid span due to the gull wing
The center of gravity looks very much to far forward
Single main engine = too much risk with 880 people
The diameter of the nozzle is too small for enough thrust for takeoff and cruise
Looks awesome though
This is only science fiction. Beside Public Storage points, in this comments section, I would add the absurdly difficult passenger evacuation for this craft shape. A real nightmare!