Hi-Tech Canopy – Stay at Your Bed All Day Long

Never leave your bed again with this hi-can high fidelity canopy. Browse your internet, watching movies, listening to the music, everything is in one package within your hi-tech canopy. This concept looks too futuristic, but in the video they present, the word “coming soon” can make us hope to see this canopy on the market not too long from now.

hi can futuristic canopy

hi can futuristic canopy

hi can futuristic canopy

Designer : Edoardo Carlino from hi-can via gizmodo

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9 thoughts on “Hi-Tech Canopy – Stay at Your Bed All Day Long

  1. Look what this bed needs is cup holders that pop out from the sides of the base! Am I right? Also maybe different heat levels and cool levels you could set your mattress on or even have air blow through like a vent shaft!

  2. right! why does everything on the internet turn into how americans are fat, lazy, and stupid? what ever happened to acceptance?

  3. @petey what did this post have to do with americans? nothing. go be bigoted somewhere else.
    @ the guy who wrote the article: please learn to write using proper english; your grammar makes me twitch.

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