Hennessy teamed up with world-renowned British Artistic Director, Kim Jones and created a project that bridges street and luxury into their collection. These two icons have collaborated in a unique celebration of the legendary blend’s impact on culture. This collaboration features the Hennessy X.O Masterpiece and Hennessy X.O Limited Edition Bottle, and in a first for the brand, the HNY Low sneaker. This project marks the first time Maison Hennessy partnered with a fashion designer.
Laurent Boillot, Hennessy CEO, says that this collection is inspired by the emblematic personality of Hennessy X.O, Kim has created a contemporary collection that’s destined to make an impact on culture today and also in the future.
Kim Jones pays tribute to Hennessy X.O’s cognac-making and couture, they are two processes that touch on understanding on science and the natural world as well as artisanal craftsmanship and savoir-faire.
Cognac meets couture, you can see this sculptural beauty through The Hennessy X.O Masterpiece and Hennessy X.O Limited Edition. Designed exclusively for Hennessy, this collection is produced using 3D printing technology and finished by hand. The sculptural Hennessy X.O Masterpiece has been produced in only 200 bottles.
We really love that titanium casing wraps the bottle entirely just like an architectural second skin. The twisting folds evoke couture technique of draping and at the same time, it reminds you at the turn of the 20th century where those Hennessy bottles were carefully hand-enveloped in tissue paper to protect their fragile parchment paper labels.
The Hennessy X.O Limited Edition features “read-to-wear” version of the decanter. It is housed in an aluminum second skin, the structure demonstrates the signature shape of the bottle while evoking a couture silhouette.