Do you know that there are hundreds of thousands championship tennis balls are thrown away to landfills every year? hearO wanted to make use of these leftover tennis balls as living sports memorabilia, making them useful once again. Unlocking the potential of these leftover tennis balls, hearO has managed to design and create a functional Bluetooth speaker housed in a championship tennis ball. Thank you to tennis ball’s toughness, size, and multi-layered construction with hollow interior, it is ready to be used as a protective case.
Featuring one-button connectivity, this unique Bluetooth speaker offers upcycled tennis ball as its house. In collaboration with expert rubber cutters from Woodash Group in the Boot and Shoe Quarter of Northampton, England, hearO experimented with different press cutting and 3D-printed guides to finally find the best cut shapes and techniques. The speaker grill became a Fibonacci pattern that allow for optimal sound projection.
From : hearO