Hand-in-hand House, it’s a cute name for house, no? Located on a hill site in Karuizawa, there’s a cute weekend house for a family of four with two children. This 5,800-square-meter area starts with a large terrace which extends over the slope, then it fully embraces wonderful terrain of lush greenery with an extraordinary view of Mt. Asama. This house consists of six small cottages with approx. 20-meter-square in size, scattered along the terrace. These cottages are elevated on a platform supported by multiple black columns, the building adapts to the site’s natural slope.
Each cottage unit is located slightly in a way to face different directions, hence, each one has varying roof heights to match its surrounding landscape. Nendo designs each cottage with dedicated functions such as dining area, kitchen, and bedrooms. These cottages are gently intertwined, the roofs look like holding hands, hence the name, Hand-in-hand House. By doing this, it is possible to create small spaces with unique characteristics and different comfort levels, yet you can sense a unity under one roof. The unique structure makes it possible for each member of the family to respect each member’s time and individuality without disconnecting from each other.