Bread, cheese, meat, more cheese, eggs, veggies, and another bread, wait for 5 minutes, voila … enjoy delicious and hot breakfast. Hamilton Beach 25475 Breakfast Sandwich Maker prepares your breakfast in just 5 minutes, you can customize your sandwich per layer, from bottom and up, use fresh ingredients for perfect result. You can use wooden utensil to remove the sandwich.
For cleaning up, you need to unplug the unit and let it cool naturally. Then you can remove the ring assembly by holding the bottom handle open and lifting straight up. You can use dishwasher to clean the ring, while for those heating plates and the main unit, just use a damp cloth. Trust me, it’s a handy device when you rushing around in the morning, it works as promised. It can reduce your visit to Mc Donalds’ drive thru. [Buy it here]
Haha it looks like mcdonalds breakfast! that is probably what they use to cook their sandwiches too! 😉
Yes, Frank. You are right. I freely agree with you. It’s really looks like McDonald’s breakfast. i like to eat this breakfast with french press coffee,. It is really nice combination’s. Try this. 🙂