For kids with Autism Spectrum Disorder, an interactive toy named Gobug has been designed. It helps facilitate a comprehensive social learning experience, not just for children but individuals of all ages. At a time, around 2-3 children can play with his toy simultaneously. Every user has takes ownership of a single controller. While each user points out his/her remote in a particular direction, the Gobug moves around in the combined direction of active controllers. The more these controllers are in sync, the faster the Gobug moves in the same guided direction. Gobug will activate only when 2 or more controllers are in-hand. It acts as an interactive toy by providing few feedbacks for the user for accurate or inaccurate play. Gobug has a lot to offer children with autism. It helps users work in union on verbal, physical and non-verbal communicative levels. This helps autistic kids to learn through imitative play, by watching the other kid and his/her hand motions. Doing this increases the spatial perception, auditory processing, visual tracking and social interaction of autistic children.
Designer : Team Gman via [Core77]
pardon, isn't it rather complicated for children with autism?
You'd be surprised – they may not talk much but they really do well with computers and something like this will be great for them. My grandson has been on the Ipad since he was 2 and has taught himself the ABC's and numbers on it. Many autistic kids are smarter than NT's (neuro-typical's) so they don't need dumbed-down stuff.
Where to buy the gobug
Where to get gobug
Unfortunately, it's only concept at the moment.