Futuristic O-R3 Ground Aerial Outdoor Security Robot Might Replace Patrol Officer Job

O-R3 Ground Aerial Outdoor Security Robot is a project with ambitious goal, it wants to replace patrol officer job. Powered by advanced algorithm and 3D SLAM technology, this robot can navigate its surroundings perceptively. Equipped with array of cameras with specialized functions, multiple sensors such as thermal imaging, facial recognition, license plate recognition, stereo photography, GPS, 3D and 2D scanners, GPS, and many more, this robot is capable to detect anomalies, self-charge, and avoid obstacles.

Thanks to sensor fusion technology, O-R3 can crunch huge chunks of data at top speed, sending accurate scene understanding in order to perform human-like actions such as obstacle avoidance and anomaly detection. This is like surveillance ground-drone, a security robot that can collaborate with an aerial and ground surveillance system to prevent potential crime.

O-R4 Ground Aerial Outdoor Security Robot by Otsaw

O-R4 Ground Aerial Outdoor Security Robot by Otsaw

The real time data sent by O-R3 can be seen by skilled human security personnel through the fleet control center. There should be a central communication system where all alerts from O-R3 are received and analyzed if further action is needed. Even though this robot can replace security personal, in the end, humans are still in control. Authorized security personnel can override O-R3 when necessary. No more off days, breaks in between, or medical leave, this robot can perform its security duty 24/7 a day, and 365 days/year.

O-R4 Ground Aerial Outdoor Security Robot by Otsaw

O-R4 Ground Aerial Outdoor Security Robot by Otsaw

O-R4 Ground Aerial Outdoor Security Robot by Otsaw

O-R4 Ground Aerial Outdoor Security Robot by Otsaw

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