In collaboration with AVATAR films, Mercedes-Benz has released groundbreaking concept vehicle: Mercedes-Benz VISION AVTR. This futuristic concept car not just looks like something that comes out of AVATAR movie, it also offers advanced vehicle transformation. The whole project embodies the vision of Mercedes-Benz designers, engineers, and trend researches for future mobility.
Inspired by the world of Pandora, Mercedes-Benz VISION AVTR displays a completely new interaction between human, machine, and nature.
Futuristic VISION AVTR concept car from Mercedes-Benz uses holistic approach to combine the design disciplines interior, exterior, and UX on an unprecedented scale. That inside-out structure really connects inside with outside to create an emotional bond, of course, this idea was inspired by several creatures themselves from the Avatar movie. VISION AVTR has stretched one-bow design and organic design language, it’s definitely a sci-fi visionary car design of the future.
As you can see, the interior doesn’t have any steering wheel, it uses biometric connection in the center console where human and machine can interact and merge. Place your hand on the control unit, in an instant, the interior comes to life and VISION AVTR from Mercedes-Benz would recognize its driver through his or her heartbeat and breathing. Lifting your hand would activate a menu selection, which is projected onto the palm of your hand. You can intuitively choose between different features, for example real-time 3D graphics allow you to explore fictional world of Pandora from different perspectives. That curved display module creates immersive visual connection between passengers and outside world.
Mercedes-Benz VISION AVTR uses organic battery technology made of recycled materials. It’s a sustainable electric car that is equipped with a revolutionary battery technology based on grapheme-based organic cell chemistry. This battery is completely clean, all materials of this battery are compostable, therefore, completely recyclable. Take a look at that cool roof with 33 bionic flaps as reminiscent of scales of reptiles, they can communicate with the driver through their flowing movements in subtle gestures. Thanks to possibility to drive the front and rear axles in the same or opposite direction, this futuristic concept car can move sideways by approximately 30-degrees, it’s usually called “crab movement”, making this vehicle has animal-like appearance as well as its motions.
More images of Mercedes-Benz VISION AVTR Concept Vehicle: