Launched by Shargeek, here’s Capsule Gravity, a 3-in-1 device that powers your productivity. It’s a Sci-Fi inspired personal productivity product from the same creative team behind Storm 2 Ultimate Power Mecha, now, they present Capsule Gravity, a daily essential to boost your productivity. This device features chic, retro-futuristic look, it has nice, bold styling approach for a good time management. It can be intuitively controlled with a simple flip, you can easily block time for certain tasks or keep on schedule, and maintain healthy rest reminders. It’s a small device perfect for workouts, precision cooking, or business. Simple set the timer, flip it, and go! [Buy It Here]
Capsule Gravity allows you to easily switch between alarm clock, timer, and a Podomoro timer. It’s a little time management tool that improves your focus and work efficiency, it certainly helps you focus on any task that require your undivided attention. It is packed with power, utilizing 5,000mAh capacity that can backup your other devices. [Buy It Here]