FujiFilm has launched X-A2 digital camera that features interchangeable lens with 175-degree tilting LCD. This model is equipped with FujiFilm’s newly developed Eye Detection AF, Auto Macro AF, and multi-target “Multi AF” which has been designed for fast and accurate auto focus. The company also promises outstanding color reproduction from this camera, super resolution, and enhanced auto focus that allow anyone to shoot premium image quality when they are not professional photographers.
FujiFilm X-A2 camera is part of X series and the first model that sports 175-degree tilting LCD screen, allowing you to take selfies easier. The XC16-50mm F3.5-5.6 OIS II kit lens offer a class-leading minimum working distance of 15cm for macro photography. When you rotate the LCD by 175-degree, it activates the Eye Detection AF to automatically focus on the subject’s eyes. You can shoot self-portraits and make the most of the optimum X-series image quality.
From : Fujifilm [Buy It Here]