Developed by Euroasfalt and designed by 2sympleks, Smartpass is an upgraded version of smart pedestrian crossing system. This project aims to increase safety of pedestrians while crossing the road, it is capable to inform approaching vehicles about the presence of pedestrians. Every year there are around 4,000 accidents on pedestrian crossings in Poland alone, they cause more than 260 fatalities. With smart devices, most pedestrians often too focus on their devices rather than their surroundings. When you do this while walking on the road, it’ll compromise your own safety.
Smartpass offers an enhanced system of active pedestrian crossings or usually known as APP Zebra. It’s been installed in more than 150 places in Poland. This project incorporates advanced technology to increase pedestrian traffic safety.
2sympleks explains that Smartpass system consists of several modules, which can be added to the existing pedestrian crossing system depending on the location. It uses a passive infrared system to detect approaching person and automatically activate warning lights on top of the sign and those along the passage. In addition, this system can also use a radar to measure the velocity of approaching vehicles, warning sound, and a camera monitoring the crossing in real time.
This upgraded system is claimed to be able to increase pedestrian’s safety by 25%, this new and upgraded design is ready to be deployed worldwide.
Tuvie received “SmartPass – A Smart Pedestrian Crossing System” project from our ‘Submit A Design‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their design/concept for publication.
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