Esnaf loves to explore architecture of every object it sees and this company has been interested in woodworking for quiet sometime. This time, Esnaf decided to make their idea into real working toy. Australia wooden magnetic toys can be easily assembled and disassembled using magnetic joints, it’s a puzzle-like toys that would pose a true intellectual challenge to children.
The design team has put significant effort in learning and experimenting with multidimensional assembly of toys. For Australia’s collection, each toy is based on geometrizing and categorizing the animals based on animal families. In this way, a significant reduction of number of different shapes can be achieved, making these collections more modular and adding a new level of interacting with these toys.
Designed by Bistra Popova and Anastas Marchev (Archabits), Australia wooden magnetic toys add some educational value where children can play and learn at the same time. They can learn about different characteristics of animals whether they come from the same anima families or share the same habitat. Each part is magnetized and can be matched by colors, when children recognize colors, they can learn to connect parts with the same color to form an animal. However, parts with mixed magnet colors can transform into a unique and strange creature. This toy is entertaining education for the whole family.