Robotic exoskeletons have been designed to enhance human strength, endurance, and mobility. We’ve seen many great designs such as ReWalk or Honda Walking Assist Device, now, Ekso Bionic Suit is another project that helps people with paralysis to stand up and walk over ground. We really appreciate companies that try to make a difference in people’s live in magical way, even though so far it can only be used in supervised medical environment, we cross our fingers and hope that someday it can be worn anywhere and help many people worldwide.
From : Ekso Bionics
Ekso Bionic Suit is a ready to wear, battery powered, bionic device which is trapped over user’s clothing. It enables people with lower extreme paralysis/weakness to walk by shifting user’s forward lateral weight to a step, the motors drive legs and replace neuromuscular function. The company claims that everyone who is medically cleared for use of Ekso has walked in their first session with a therapist.
Mass produce & use for heavy lifting jobs too IE airports, seaports, bus ports, furniture stores etc
& for vets via VA, Be huge demand for.
how can i buy ths devices