At first glance it looks as if it has been pulled out of a Sci-Fi movie, but the retro-futuristic design lines and the asymmetrical body shape, makes us wonder what was the designer’s main idea. The Egochine B is a car for the petrol-head of tomorrow. The man that likes to drive by himself, to feel the speed and the wind tearing of his face, the one that loves to go from point A to point B in the shortest time possible and in the most exquisite style. A man that is self-centered, a man that probably is the most concerned about the passengers safety, that chooses to drive alone then to put other people’s lives in jeopardy. Paolo De Guisti, the man behind the Egochine B, redesigned the immature and primitive shapes of the first version of this vehicle, that was among the finalists in the second design contest organized by Peugeot, into a more aggressive, stunning and elegant finish.
Designer : Paolo De Guisti
To the final design, Paolo added a new livery, electric motors and fuel cells. The body shape has been inspired from old car models, as the Isotta Fraschini, which was characterized by large engines and refined elegance. Paolo’s designs always start from some suggestions, from movement or emotion you would expect from an object or a particular situation. To better understand Paolo’s view of the whole idea, let us imagine that we are 40 years from now, in a city from the future, where the private transport has been forgotten, overshadowed by dozens of alternative faster, comfortable and more efficient means of transportation and you see this strange vehicle riding on the empty streets with only one purpose, that of enhancing the spirit of speed to the driver in the cockpit, just him and his quest for speed. The Egochine B Concept is a green car, it has been equipped with for massive electric engines that launch the car at full speed. The designer also fitted hydrogen fuel cells for a greater autonomy.
Egochine B is the ultimate machine for people who still worship vehicles created back in the late 60s and early 70s, when speed and big roaring engines were the best way to have some huge fun. I would definitely drive this on the Bonneville Salt Flats, as it still is, the last refuge of the speed freak.
I love it. It screams morgan aero 8 at the front end. morgan of course did also design 3 wheelers with 2 wheels at the front along with a vtwin motorcycle engine.