EcoBin is a new brand of respectable and eco-friendly litter bins for home, offices and public spaces. Products are made of Krion K-Life Solid Surface with the Eco-Active Technology that helps to clean the air from harmful chemicals in the air. In particular, these gases are nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur oxides (SOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). When any of these gases come into contact with the activated Krion™ Eco-Active surface, there is a chemical degradation, generating harmless products such as mineral salts and water.
Designed by Misha Belyaev (awards-winning multidisciplinary designer, one of the top-10 best contemporary designers in Russia, according to the British “The Culture Trip, jury member of Lexus Design Award 2018). EcoBin is produced by Russian manufacturer of Solid Surface products and interiors KaratSpb, this brand is made in partnership with Krion, Porcelanosa (Spain).
Tuvie has received “Ecobin Cleans The Air One Bin at A Time” project from our ‘Submit A Design‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their design/concept for publication.