Eating objects is about creating an innovative interactive multi-sensory eating experience. It is certainly a design study of food, molecular gastronomy plus eating experiences. By employing the processes and techniques of molecular gastronomy, one can cook food in novel ways and also control the varying tastes, colors as well as textures of food so that it feels quite challenging and control peoples pre-conceptions towards food. This project employs a range of tools for users in order to interact with while constructing every food product. To augment the multi-sensory feature of the eating experience, the designer has also come up with a table that helps users explore more in depth. To enhance the eating experience, animations are projected from underneath that are triggered using recognition technology. The users are led through each dish, where they are encouraged to intermingle with one another and their food in novel ways. The series of tools are designed to be extremely minimal so that it doesn’t over stimulate the user. Chopper has been used for detailing and its deluxe appeal adds a special element to the overall experience.
Designer : Ahmad Fakhry