As space becomes more expensive and smaller, we need more innovations to company our compact living space, including smaller bathroom. Iota Folding Toilet has smaller size compared to standard toilet, it’s almost 1/3 smaller and saves up to 10,000 liters of water/person/year. Just in case you didn’t realize it, ordinary toilet tends to use excessive water due to large volumes of water used to force waste around water trap in order to leave you with only clean water in the trap. In order to reduce the water waste and size, a new mechanism is introduced to allow the bowl of toilet to be folded away.
Iota looks like a snail to us, a smart solution to use less water compared to standard toilet. It has small footprint, folded in upright position, the rimless design makes sure it’s easy to keep the bowl clean. This bowl contains inbuilt U bend that disengages from waste pipe while maintaining an air tight seal. In a closed, flush position, this U bend re-engages simultaneously when the storage tank flushes. If a standard toilet requires 6 liters of water to flush, Iota only requires 2.5 liters, yes, that is less than 50% reduction.
Designers : Gareth Humphreys and Elliott Whiteley
How does it work?
Iota’s internal frame supports the bowl using a sliding hinge mechanism and a nylon roller. This hinge is the one that keeps bowl straight and operates flush mechanism while the nylon roller takes the weight of user and transfers it through the frame to the floor. The hinge system makes sure any industrial looking frame doesn’t interfere with the clean aesthetics of the exterior, it also prevents any gaps that might compromise cleanliness and structural ability of the bowl.
Iota Folding Toilet concept is one of toilet designs submitted to The Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA) Student Design Awards where the goal is to re-invent the toilet and make it more environmentally friendly.
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