Comfort Cast is a wearable technology in disguise, it’s a smart air-pressure cast which also connects to your social network accounts and is able to display greetings on an e-ink display cover. Dealing with sudden physical limitations such as broken arms can be stressful, you can’t even perform simple daily tasks without the help from others. Friends might give you comfort by sending “get well soon” messages, those messages certainly bring solace to you. With this concept cast, you can read those messages on the display system, it also connects you to the health care service system and displays messages from doctors/hospitals such as appointment reminders.
Designer : Song Kyuho
The display on Comfort Cast can be used for some basic internet tasks and SNS service. It can ask simple questions and receives long distance therapy when the hospital is also connected to SNC service. In this way, patients with comfort cast don’t have to visit hospital frequently, everything can be done/checked through the health care system. This air pressure cast is made with plastic, there are various different sizes to suit a variety of arm shapes. The air pressure can be adjusted depending on the state of recovering arm.